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Tuesday, November 07, 2006


How to remove bullets and spacing for url links in the Related Links iview?

I tried to look for a property that I can edit the look-n-feel of the url links in the Related Link iView using "Theme Editor".

All I need is to remove the bullets and increase some vertical spacing between the links.
Currently, it looks like this:
* URL iView A
* URL Iview B

This is the default settings.

This is what I try to achieve:

I go through the whole section of Related Links properties, none of them seems to do what I want.

Here are the list of properties in Related Link section (of Navigation Panel):
Link Color
Text Decoration of Link
Hover Color
Text Decoration of Hovered Link

Initially, I thought "Text Decoration of Link" should be the rigth property I should look at. But there are a drop-down with 5 options: None, Underline, Blinking, Overline and Line-Through, which really can't achieve what I want.


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SDN Forum Posting Thread:
How to remove bullets and spacing for url links in the Related Links iview?

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