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Wednesday, November 22, 2006


How to change the background color of one particular iView?

I have one Portal Component Iview that I want to change its background color that is different from the standard one that we set from the theme editor.

How do I do it from the iView configuration or other places?



Remark: Please refer to the same post at SDN Forum for other responses:

How to change the background color of one particular iView?


Navigation with Short URLs VS Quick Links

I have implemented some quick links with Short URLs.

Here is the sample link:

SAP Help Link:

Then, I come to explore to anothe method to solve the problem, it is "Quick Links", where I define a Quick Link name in iview, said "myQuickLink", then I can call the iview through the portal link/"myQuickLink".


SAP Help Link:

Initially, I thought the difference between them is we don't have to assign the iview to a role to call a "Quick Link", while we need to do it in "Short URL". But it is not true, both of them need to add the iview to the role , then call them through different url. Right?

Both can solve my problem. But I just want to know the differences between them, i.e. what situation I should use one over another, the performance, and the limitation. The SAP Help does not really go deep in explaning these.

Hope I can get some input from you all. Thanks.


Please refer the same post in SDN Forum for other responses.
Navigation with Short URLs VS Quick Links

Friday, November 17, 2006


Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet Site http://.. Operation Aborted.

I have the following error message when I try to launch some KM Navigation iViews that contains a javascript "More" (basically just a href onclick link that open another portal page).

Error Message:
"Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet Site http://.. Operation Aborted."

I search through different forum, someone suggested it was because of the javascript function.

Here is the html code with javascript function:

Initially, the javascript code was within the onclick"", I moved them outside the "body" tag after someone suggested that it was the cause of the problem. But after I have done so, it is still the same problem.

Then, I decided to remove the whole html file. Now, with a pure standard KM Navigation iView...guess what... the problem still remains.

More Details:
The KM Nav. iView is getting the resources from a taxonomy path. I just wonder it is something to do with the taxonomy indexing? or layoutset? or soemthing else?

We are currently using Netweaver 04s SP7.

If someone have this problem, and have solved the problem, please give some advices to me.
Maybe if you have the same problem, and not yet solved, sharing the experience will also help me to find out the real cause of the error.

Your help is truly appreciated.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006


How to remove bullets and spacing for url links in the Related Links iview?

I tried to look for a property that I can edit the look-n-feel of the url links in the Related Link iView using "Theme Editor".

All I need is to remove the bullets and increase some vertical spacing between the links.
Currently, it looks like this:
* URL iView A
* URL Iview B

This is the default settings.

This is what I try to achieve:

I go through the whole section of Related Links properties, none of them seems to do what I want.

Here are the list of properties in Related Link section (of Navigation Panel):
Link Color
Text Decoration of Link
Hover Color
Text Decoration of Hovered Link

Initially, I thought "Text Decoration of Link" should be the rigth property I should look at. But there are a drop-down with 5 options: None, Underline, Blinking, Overline and Line-Through, which really can't achieve what I want.


Remark: You can also refer to the same SDN Forum Post for responses.
SDN Forum Posting Thread:
How to remove bullets and spacing for url links in the Related Links iview?


How to add vertical separator between items in collection renderer?

I have a requirement to add a vertical separator between items that displayed in a collection renderer (currently using Grid Collection Renderer) that has 1 row and 4 columns.
I can't really find any delimiter settings in the collection renderer to set the vertical separator.

For now, I just go to the xml form itself and added a vertical line on the right hand side of the form. But when they get rendered in the collection renderer, the vertical line is not aglined in the center , and this look not so nice (as this is the main page).I have been trying to configure "Grid Ordering Mode" and "Vertical Alignment", but still cannot align the vertical lines in xml form very well.

That is why I feel that the best way is to work on the collection renderer to achieve this purpose.

Diagram Illustration

Thanks for any helpful advise.


Remark: You can also refer to the same SDN Forum Post for responses.
SDN Forum Thread Posting:
How to add vertical separator between items in collection renderer?

Friday, November 03, 2006



I try to install NW04 SP16 in my desktop. During the installation, one error occured that stop the installation process.

I remembered last time I had the similar problem on my laptop. I reinstalled my Windows OS, and tried again, everything goes smooth.

But now, I cannot reinstall the Windows OS in my client company.

What seems to be the problem here?

ERROR 2006-11-03 14:38:49 [iaxxinscbk.cpp:289]
CJS-00030 Assertion failed: in
function sapdb_db_create(db_nm, db_host, db_ver) {
var dep_root = sapdb_inst_root(db_nm);
var sdb_i = new sdbInstance();
sdb_i.dbName = db_nm;
sdb_i.dbHost = db_host;
sdb_i.dbVer = db_ver[0] + "." + db_ver[1];
sdb_i.ctlUser = sapdb_get_db_user("CONTROL", db_nm, db_host);
sdb_i.ctlUserPasswd = sapdb_get_db_user_passwd("CONTROL", db_nm, db_host);
var actorObj = new SdbExtActor();
var rv = actorObj.sessionExecute();
var creation_ok = false;
var i_size = actorObj.outSize();
for (var i = 0; i < i_size; i++) {
var s_line = actorObj.getOutputLine(i);
if (/OK/.test(s_line)) {
creation_ok = true;

Thanks for advise.


Thursday, November 02, 2006


SAP Netweaver Forum

Hi, SAP Netweaver Forum fellows.
The purpose I create this blog is to associate the questions I (or others) ask in SDN (SAP Developer Network).

Why I want to repeat the same questions I or others ask in SDN? One big reason, we can't post or add pictures and diagrams in the SDN forum post. Sometimes, I need some diagram to illustrate the question we ask, I can attach the link of this forum blog in the SDN post, and post the same or similar question with diagram illustration in this blog.

Personally, I think this is a good idea to do so.

Thanks for participate in this forum.

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